Doctors of the World Training Medics

Useful resources


Safe Surgeries Toolkit

The “Safe Surgeries” toolkit gives GP practices 7 steps to help make their surgery safe and accessible for everyone. All tips are in line with NHS guidelines.

Safe Surgeries Toolkit for commissioners

This toolkit explains why commissioners should help to build Safe Surgeries in their areas and outlines the steps they can take to support best practice primary care provision for everyone.

Safe Surgeries peer-to-peer training resources

Our Safe Surgeries peer-to-peer training modules are designed to be delivered by NHS healthcare professionals and medical students, to improve their colleagues’ understanding of migrant rights to healthcare in England. They should be delivered at trainers’ workplaces, universities or within their professional networks. Resources include: slides tailored to primary care, secondary care and general audiences; training guidelines and a guide with background info.

Guide for clinicians: recognising ‘urgent’ and ‘immediately necessary’ care

Care which is classified as ‘urgent’ and ‘immediately necessary’ should always be provided regardless of a patient’s ability to pay for it. This guide should help clinicians to understand what is meant by ‘urgent’ and ‘immediately necessary’ care in this context, to make informed decisions and to advocate for their patients where needed.

Healthy London Partnership ‘My right to access healthcare’ cards

These cards can be carried by people who can have difficulty accessing primary healthcare, such as homeless people and migrants. They can be used to remind GP receptionists and other practice staff of the national patient registration guidance from NHS England.

Multilingual appointment card generator

Online tool helping non-English-speaking patients understand when their next appointment is.


Healthcare Entitlement in England (2018)

Updated guidance written by Doctors of the World explaining how to access mainstream healthcare services in England and the laws and guidance which shape access.

Healthy London Partnership ‘My right to access healthcare’ cards

These cards can be carried by people who can have difficulty accessing primary healthcare, such as homeless people and migrants. They can be used to remind GP receptionists and other practice staff of the national patient registration guidance from NHS England.

Access to Healthcare in the UK 2015

Doctors of the World report detailing the legal context of NHS entitlement, existing barriers to health services and recommendations on healthcare access.


NHS England guidance on patient registration for GP practices – Updated 2017

Guidance stating GP practices should not refuse registration on the grounds that a patient is unable to produce evidence of identity or immigration status or proof of address. The relevant section begins on page 144.

British Medical Association guidance on patient registration for GP practices

Guidance clarifying conditions surrounding patient registration in GP practices.

Department of Health guidance on implementing the overseas visitor hospital charging regulations 2015 – Updated 2017

Guidance stating that chargeable secondary care must never be withheld if it is considered to be immediately necessary or urgent by clinicians. See also ‘Clinician Patient Assessment form’, which should be used to record clinicians’ assessment of whether treatment is urgent or immediately necessary, thereby ensuring transparent decision-making.


NHSE – How to register with a GP

Guidance clarifying how to register with a GP provided by NHS England.

Refugee and migrant centre & Walsall CCG – Advice on how to access your GP and health care services

Information in multiple languages on how to access healthcare services during these difficult times.

Imperial College London, the BME Health Forum & the North West London CCG – Video Advice

Translated videos on accessing NHS Services in English, Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish & Sylheti


With your support, Doctors of the World will make sure nobody suffers or dies due to lack of access to healthcare.