The situation worsens in Borno, Nigeria

Published 30th January 2019

Civilians in Borno state, North-East Nigeria, are suffering greatly due to conflict and violence. 250,000 children, women, and men are already displaced across the region. Following recent attacks by Boko Haram, an estimated further 80,000 people have been uprooted. 30,000 fled last weekend alone.

Charles Kiplangat, Emergency Response Coordinator in Nigeria, reports on the latest developments:

“In Maiduguri, the Teachers’ Village Camp registered over 29,125 newly displaced persons. More than 6,714 are in need of shelter”

The situation in the camp is dire: its capacity is 10,000 people. Women, children, and men are arriving in already over-crowded camps, where food, housing, and basic services are scarce.

There is also a huge gap in term of WASH: 150 latrines and 150 bathrooms are required while only 30 have been constructed. Lack of hygiene facilities could lead to the spread of diseases, including cholera and diarrhoeal diseases.

“The situation is even expected to get worse because the influx is still ongoing and the upsurge of violence is still displacing people.”

Doctors of the World has been working in Borno since the end of 2016 with the aim of improving access to care for vulnerable populations,  whether  they are displaced or natives of the region.  Two mobile clinics cover the camps of Maiduguri and the area around the capital of Borno State.

Due to the situation worsening, Doctors of the World has decided to implement health services in the Teachers’ Village Camp. This will mean providing a package of activities including Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender Based Violence and Mental Health services. We are working against the clock to ensure displaced people are able to access healthcare in a very unstable situation.

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